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Welcome to our Nursery Information Section!

We are lucky to have a large, attractive, well-equipped, open-plan Nursery, with not only access to a safely-enclosed outdoor Nursery playground, but also strong links with the Primary School, so we can prepare children for their transition to full-time statutory education. There is a teacher in charge of Nursery, supported by a Nursery Nurse.

The Nursery can provide spaces for up to 26 children who attend on a part-time basis Monday to Friday. Admissions are handled centrally by the Vale of Glamorgan County Council.  Parents need to apply to the Council for a Nursery Place, and will also have to apply to the Council for a Reception Place, if they wish their child to progress to the main Primary School (Children are able to transfer to the full time Reception Class the September after they are 4).

Children can start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday.  We have 3 intakes throughout the year, at the beginning of each term ie Autumn, Spring and Summer.    We recommend children are toilet trained prior to starting.  New children are invited to an Open Day in the Summer, or at Christmas time, depending on the term they start, whilst also being invited to an accompanied visit prior to starting.  All new parents receive a Nursery Handbook on entry – see link.

Nursery Times

Morning Session: 09:00am – 11.30am  

NB. Those children who attend Nursery, are also able to access the free Main School Breakfast Club from 8.20am each day.  However, we do prefer to make sure Nursery children have settled before they begin anything like this!


There is a school uniform, which although not compulsory, most children do wear it, and it is recommended (see website or Handbook for more details).  It would help us too, if all clothes are labelled, and you encourage your child to dress independently.  Belts are not really recommended because some children struggle to use the toilet independently, and we do want children to access the toilet by themselves as much as possible.

Children do need to be prepared to face the elements, whether it be, wrapping up warm on a cold day, a sunhat when it is hot, or raincoat and wellingtons when it is wet.

Learning through Play!

Whilst in Nursery the children follow The Foundation Phase Curriculum, which is basically a skill-based curriculum for children from the age of 3 to 7, that emphasises the importance of learning through play and practical hands-on experiences both inside and outdoors.  These first-hand experiences will allow them to develop an understanding of themselves, and the world in which they live.

In order to meet the requirements of the Foundation Phase, our Nursery, is divided into many different areas both inside and outdoors to develop different skills within the areas of learning, eg a messy area to develop creative and physical skills, such as holding a paintbrush, a book corner to develop reading skills, a maths area to develop number skills etc.

Children are free to choose from the activities that are out each day both inside and outside, whilst they are also encouraged to work on specific activities with the Teacher or Nursery Nurse, eg a language or maths activity, ICT, craft, cooking etc.

We also have daily whole class teaching times which have a language or maths focus, along with daily snack and story time.

We do use the facilities in the main school on a regular basis, and also take part in special whole school or Early Year events, like concerts, theatre experiences, Sports Day, annual Summer Trip, Teddy Bears Picnic etc.

There is a weekly PE lesson which takes place every Wednesday in the school hall (children are asked to come into Nursery already wearing suitable PE clothing and footwear on this day).

We visit the Reception Class and outdoor area in the Summer Term, and by doing all of this, the children become familiar with the main school, and it helps ease the transition from part-time to full-time education.

We try to encourage parental involvement as much as possible through welcoming parents into the school, inviting them to special events, having homework for eg weekly book bags and half-termly home/school tasks.  We share information on a regular basis, through not just our website, but also termly and weekly newsletters, or you can even follow us on Twitter.

Parental consultations take place in the Autumn and Spring Term, with an End of Year Report in the Summer Term.

If you wish to have a look around Nursery, or if you have any further queries, please feel free to ring up school, and make an appointment to visit.... or look out for our Open Days which take place at Christmas time, and in the Summer Term.

A few important reminders for current Nursery children and parents!


Please could you ring the school if your child is going to be absent from Nursery, so we can record the absence correctly in our registers, and it is also the main school policy to send in a letter on return – thank you.


Please do not allow your child to bring in toys or jewellery into Nursery except on special days, for example, birthdays.

Please ensure that all clothes, especially jumpers, coats, and waterproofs, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

PE/Movement lessons every Wednesday.  Please could you ensure your child is wearing suitable footwear and clothing on this day eg trainers, jogging bottoms.


There is a parking restriction on the road leading up to the school, which has been put in place for the safety of the children.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a creative online space, designed to support and enhance every child's daily learning experience. There are numerous creative tools, curriculum-focused activities and programmes for you to explore which will support and inspire creative learning both at school and at home. Click the image below to visit Purple Mash.