Summer Term 2024

Summer Term
We have had a lovely but quick summer term.
Year 2 have been very focused on perfecting risk and weather assessing. They understand what risk is and have a basic understanding of how to reduce any it.
We have been focusing on identification and have done this in a variety of ways, surveys , snap games and bingo.
Whilst completing our meadow survey we learnt all about pollinator’s, what they are and how important they to us for food chains. We even learnt how to do The Waggle Dance, this is how bees communicate valuable information to each-other,eg where the pollen is, direction and how far. We also enjoyed harvesting the wild grass seeds that had been produced from the seed bombs created and launched by year 3.
We also learnt how to categorise some of our woodland animals which will enable us next year to focus on food chains.
We also managed to take advance of some of the wet weather and enjoyed some muddy natural art.
Year 3 sadly have not had as many sessions as other year groups due to inset days and other activities in school such as sports day but they have been equally as busy.
We created seed bombs and launched them into our meadow area and planted 18 new trees, a variety of crab apple, Birch and Rowan which we are looking after. The wild flowers looked amazing and we are hopeful for even better next year. Just prior the meadow being mowed our friends in year 2 helped to harvest some of the grass seed before the meadow was mowed.
Year 3 also enjoyed some pond dipping. Investing and identifying our findings was very interesting.
We have also managed to fit in some free play in our new mud kitchen and have particularly enjoyed some chill out time in the new Chillax Corner created by year 5.
Year 4 also enjoyed some pond dipping but this activity for them was extended to identification of findings, creating a tally chart and then converting this information into a format to discover if our pond is healthy or not. We also participated in a chemical test to see if the information gathered via a natural survey would indeed be backed up with a more scientific approach.We are really pleased that our pond is very healthy with a wide variety of inhabitants and the fattest tadpoles!! Year 4’s natural art was Happazone which is a Japanese craft and involves creating a plant sandwich with Cotten and then hammering to create a symmetrical pattern. The groups decided to create bunting which now decorated the inside of The Difference Den.
This term year 5 have been concentrating perfecting den building techniques. They have mastered a few simple knots enabling them to build more complicated constructions.
Year 5 have also been learning all aspects of fire safety.
That a fire should always have a purpose , need only be big enough for that purpose and should always be in a safe place with an adult present.
Everyone has mastered the art of using steel and flint, creating sparks safely and are aware of the fire triangle.
This has enabled them to each construct their own fire and cook marshmallows independently and safely . After these activities they are responsible and leave no trace of the activity.
As this is the last term for year 5 they have also been working in what to leave behind which has now become a tradition.
The groups decided that it would be nice to create a new area in the woods called Chillax Corner . This area is a secluded tent in a quiet area which has enough space for a few friends to chill out in. There are books available both fiction and non fiction and of course famous Harry and Sid available for anyone who wants them.
Year 5 have now finished their Woodland Wonders experience and it has been a pleasure to watch them grow in confidence , independence, consideration and teamwork. Year 5 are ready to show commitment to the sustainability of the planet, and be citizens of Wales and the world and I will miss each one of them.
Although it is sad year 5 are leaving the Woodland Wonders experience it does continue to grow. Not only do we have the new Chillax Corner we also have Micro Cresent where we have our microscope and pre made slides which provides wonderful opportunities to anyone who decides to use them , an opportunity so often not seen with todays technology.
Challenge Island always has a supply of natural crafts and important opportunities for life skills such as knots.
Magnification Corner always a popular activity whatever the weather .
Identification Centre always had opportunities of learning identification in fun ways, anyone participating in these activities via rewarded with stars or house points.
The new mud kitchen is a complete success with all year groups . We now have 3 working areas and a restaurant section. Children continue to wish to develop this area and are now requesting props such as more condiments for the restaurant tables , a cafetière and a microwave!!
I’m sure you will agree it’s been a busy time with valuable learning opportunities and life experiences.